The Big Decision

Now that I had the support I needed, it was time to complete those applications! However, this was not a quick process because I wanted my applications to be perfect! I spent weeks formulating and rewording my answers. I wanted this job more than anything and I wasn’t going to give anything less than the best!

Once the applications were submitted it was time for the dreaded waiting game! This waiting game would certainly test my patience!

Finally, about three weeks after submitting my Contiki application I heard back and was invited to a phone interview! I was so excited, yet so scared!

I’ve always had a lot of anxiety about interviews and this one would be no different! Luckily, this interview was pretty laid back, more of a conversation. It went well. I’d have to wait another month to hear about an in-person interview. Time for more waiting!

Just shy of a month later I was invited for an in-person interview the following month in Houston, Texas! I bought a plane ticket immediately! I was one step closer to fulfilling my dream!

While waiting for my next interview I heard back from G Adventures! They asked me to start with a prerecorded video interview. Although, I wasn’t talking with a live person it was stressful and I felt like I completely bombed it!

I guess I didn’t bomb it because about a week later I was asked to participate in an in-person Skype interview! I got the good news just after the new year. So new year, new adventures? I sure hoped so!

A few short days later it was time for my Skype interview! Again, I was so excited, yet so nervous! But my interviewer was awesome and quick to calm my nerves. I was feeling comfortable, getting really good feedback and felt the interview was going extremely well! I found myself falling in love with this opportunity. At the end of the interview I was ecstatic to be invited to the last interview. I was in utter disbelief as my dream may actually be coming true!

Prior to my last G interview, I went to Houston for my Contiki interview. The interview as alright. I was still very excited for an opportunity to work for Contiki, but my excitement was not as strong as it was for G Adventures. I was torn. I was certainly leaning towards G, but how could I turn down Contiki?! Contiki was my first love!

I returned home and the following day I had my last G interview. I can’t give away all their secrets, but just know this interview was a blast! That’s right I said it, “a blast.” Interviews can be fun!

With the G interview now complete it was back to the waiting game. Hopefully, only a 1-2 day wait. I was impatient and very anxious! I knew in my heart that I wanted to work for G. The news could not come soon enough!

Thankfully, by late afternoon the next day I received an email asking to talk on the phone. This had to mean good news, right?

I anxiously awaited the call the following day. The phone finally rang, I was offered the job and I immediately accepted! My big decision had been made! I was so happy! My dream was quickly becoming a reality!

So why did I choose G Adventures? I chose the company that got me most excited. The passion that radiates from the G employees makes me so excited. I’m ready to be a part of something great!

Plus, it is the company that I feel is the best fit for me! In my opinion, G feels more adventurous, which better fits my personality. I’m looking forward to leading camping trips and seeing a lot of National Parks.

But that’s not all. Remember that combination idea I had? Well, with G adventures I can make that a reality. I will work for G during tourist season and in the offseason I will work as a locum PA and pursue my international travel endeavors!

It’s everything I could have asked for: tour guide, working as a PA and traveling the world! It truly is the best of all worlds!

Although I chose G, Contiki will always have a special place in my heart! Nonetheless, I’ve joined team G and I cannot wait to get started!

No dream is ever too big if you have the right attitude. Dream Big. Work Hard.”      – JJ Watt

#Dreamsreallydocometrue #DBWH

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