Telling Family and Friends

With my plan complete it was time to tell my parents. However, I was not too thrilled about this. In fact, I was terrified! Ok, terrified may be a bit too strong. How about fearful and anxious? Would they be disappointed? Would they be totally against it?

Despite all my emotions, I had to tell them! Plus, I knew once I told them a huge weight would be lifted off my shoulders. It would feel so good just to get it out there!

I was home visiting one weekend and decided it was time. Looking back I’m not even sure what I said! It’s all a blur. Not because it went poorly, but because it went so well! I remember my parents saying, “We have always supported you and we will continue to support you in whatever you do. We love you.”

Duh! Why didn’t I think of this? Why was I so afraid? No matter what, I think there is always that fear of parental disappointment! Luckily, my parents’ reaction was far from disappointment. I am so thankful for their support and encouragement! The decision to further pursue this dream would not have been easy without my parents full support.

After telling my parents I started to share my plans with the rest of my family and closest friends. I was overwhelmed by their love, support and excitement! What a sense of relief!

The reactions I received from family and friends was exactly what I needed. Any hesitations I had went straight out the window! I knew that pursuing travel was the right decision for me!

P.S. I am fortunate to come from a very supportive family, but I know not everyone has that pleasure. If you find yourself lacking family support don’t give up on your dreams. Reach out to a friend, a mentor, a teacher, etc. All you need is support from one person. Then listen to your heart and follow those dreams!

P.S.S. Before sharing any big news, do your research! I believe my parents were so supportive in part because I had a plan. By researching and creating a plan I proved to my parents that I was very serious about this opportunity!

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