Taking the Leap

As a little girl I loved to travel and dreamed of one day traveling the world! My travel days started with family trips across the United States. In college, I jumped at the opportunity of international travel and spent a semester abroad in Ireland. After graduate school I planned an extended trip to Europe, one last hoorah before my big kid job. Little did I know how much this trip would change my life.

I was in Europe for 76 days. That’s 76 days of growth and transformation. These were definitely some of the best days of my life filled with unforgettable experiences, everlasting friendships and a new self-awareness. I had a new appreciation and fascination for every culture and country across this vast world. I found myself craving the exhilaration, the unknown and the freedom of travel. I yearned to be surrounded by the likemindedness of fellow travelers.

I returned home happy to see my friends and family and excited to share my stories. However, after the visits were over I found myself in a funk, a bit of reverse culture shock. I didn’t want to be home. I wasn’t ready for reality. I didn’t want to work. I wanted to travel!

Are you wondering why I didn’t follow my dreams right away? For me it wasn’t that easy. I had another dream too. A dream to work in medicine. A dream of taking care of people, making them feel better! It was time to pursue that dream.

When I started my job I made a pact with myself. If, after two years, I still had the desire to pursue the travel industry then I would allow myself to follow that dream!

I started working and eventually my funk dissipated. I was happy at my job. I was fulfilling my dream of taking care of people. I was learning a lot and gaining confidence in my practice. I had awesome coworkers and a great schedule. Nonetheless, the constant daydreams of travel never left.

I was quickly approaching my two year anniversary when I realized nothing had changed. I was still in love with travel!…Was it time to pursue my other dream?

If only this was an easy decision! Instead, it was a battle between my heart and my brain. In my heart, I always knew I wanted to travel. My heart was saying, “You go girl! Do your thing! Follow those dreams!” However, my brain did not feel the same. My brain was making this decision much harder.

Ugh! My brain had so many practical questions. “What are my parents, friends and family going to think?…How can I leave a well-respected, well-paying job with awesome coworkers?…I went to school and now I’m just going to throw that all away?…Can I afford this decision?… What if this plan doesn’t work out?… Do I have a back up plan?”

I was facing one of the hardest decisions of my life! Could I stay at my job and be happy? Yes, I think so. But would I regret not taking a chance? Most definitely!

One beautiful autumn day while on a walk I noticed a message written in chalk on the sidewalk. I stopped to read it. It read, “Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” I stood there dazed, frozen and in disbelief. Someone sent me a message and it was exactly the push I needed!

With a smile from ear to ear I walked on! I was happy. I was excited. I was ready to take the leap! The leap to follow my dream and my passion for travel!

There is always going to be fear and risk that accompany big decisions such as this, but “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” ~Babe Ruth



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