The Final Countdown

The final countdown has begun! I’ll be heading to training in just 2 days!

It’s been one week since I worked my last shift. However, it doesn’t feel like it was my last shift. I feel like I’m on a weeklong vacation and I’ll be returning soon! Obviously, reality hasn’t fully set in yet!

I have been busy since my last shift!

I had to get a DOT physical and drug test. That was the quickest physical exam I’ve ever had! However, it was one of the longest appointments I’ve ever had because I couldn’t pee! I felt like I had to go but under pressure I couldn’t produce enough urine. I went back to the waiting room and made friends with another guy who had the same issue. We were drinking water like it was going out of style! Finally I was able to pee and was peeing like crazy the rest of the morning! Next time, I’ll be sure to push the fluids before I arrive!

I made a trip to the clinic I will be working at during the offseason. This was a good visit! I received a tour of the clinic and met a bunch of future coworkers. Everyone I met was super friendly and welcoming! I spent a few hours shadowing a provider. This allowed me to get a feel for the differences and similarities between clinics. I think I will be pushed out of my comfort zone but the challenge will be good for me!

Then there were the many little things I had to check off my list! I repacked my hiking pack and although it feels well over 100lbs, it’s just 36lbs! I still struggle to put it on unless I’m sitting and even then I feel like Reese Witherspoon in the movie “Wild.” Check out the clip below! Start watching at 1:14.

I spent time reviewing for my drivers test, but I’m still feeling pretty nervous! My dad took me driving so I could practice with a trailer. Backing up a trailer is tricky business! I’m happy to have a little experience before I get out there! Thankfully, I found out I do not have to take the drivers test with a trailer, which is a huge sigh of relief!

Today, I’ve spent most of the day reviewing all the notes I took on the various recommended topics. I’m trying to write up short presentations in hopes of being a little more prepared! Either way I know there will be a lot of winging it, but a little more prep will make winging it easier!

In the next few days, I hope to relax and spend time with my family! I love family time!

We are also in the middle of the Stanley Cup playoffs so I’ve had to watch hockey as well! As a huge hockey fan, it’s one of my favorite times of the year! Since I’m heading off to training I likely won’t get to watch the rest, so I had to get my fix now! My little brother tried to convince me to drive to St. Louis for a playoff game. I wanted to go so bad, but I couldn’t make the trek just one day before I leave! This time I’ll have to settle for watching on TV! Let’s Go RANGERS and PREDATORS!!!

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